Business Development Playbook Library
The Growth, Profitability, and Business Development Playbook is designed to provide a framework and editable smart template with points of focus to assist and guide management (including process owners) and your board of directors in identifying and exploiting opportunities and areas within your organization that provide the most potential to cost-effectively enable you to generate additional profitable growth.
It further facilitates your ability to size and prioritize revenue exposure.
The Growth, Profitability, and Business Development Playbook areas of focus include, for example:
Business Development Framework
Profitable Revenue Growth:
Acquiring New Customers
Retaining and Growing Existing Customers, and
Optimizing Pricing
Note: You must first install the GRC Playbook software before you can open and use the encrypted Playbooks.
All Playbooks are encrypted to protect the privacy and confidentiality of your data. The GRC Playbook software automatically generates and applies the password to programmatically unencrypt a Playbook and open it for use.
Save the downloaded Playbooks to a secure location on your system. Open your Playbooks from your secure location. GRC Playbook Limited does not have visibility into any of the data you enter into your downloaded Playbooks.